Behrouzi food industry

Behrouzi Food Industries, with the aim of improving the health level of society and providing alternative products to harmful industrial soft drinks, started its research in the field of fermented herbal drinks since 2007 with the collective efforts of industry and university experts and succeeded in designing and producing in the research and development unit of the company. Kombucha fermented drink is based on traditional medicine. This production unit is under the supervision of the Food and Drug Organization and is a member of the World Association of Kombucha Producers.

And about black garlic, when we were introduced to black garlic by Mr. Shinichi Kashiwazaki for the first time at the “2018 Dubai Golf Food Exhibition” in the pavilion presenting Japanese products, we were surprised by his explanations and considering the activity in the field of fermented beverage production. We had kombucha, decided to do more research about black garlic and how to process it, and finally, after about two years of research, prototyping the device and checking the methods of black garlic production in different countries, we succeeded in designing, patenting and manufacturing an industrial device and Automatic processing has become black. One of the features of this device is the use of special processing methods with the algorithm and method of Japanese manufacturers, which makes the final product very high quality and tasty. After the production of the device, the permit for the production of black garlic was obtained from the Food and Drug Organization and it was unveiled for the first time at the “IFood 98 Shiraz Exhibition” and currently the products produced under the brand name zoober are being marketed.

Company assignment :

Customers are our primary employers and we hold ourselves accountable to everyone who uses our products and services.
Our technology and technological level compete with good domestic factories and institutions, and we always update ourselves with new technologies.
Our goal of continuing the activities of this factory is production, job creation, legitimate and fair profitability that has a positive effect on the world society directly and indirectly.
We believe in the golden rule “Whatever you don’t like on yourself, don’t like it on others” and we believe that with the many complexities that have arisen in the business field, the profitability of the factory is not possible without thinking about the benefit of the other parties.
Our effort will be to preserve natural resources and the environment by effectively preventing environmental pollution, expanding green space and green thinking.


Maintaining and developing the share of domestic and international markets with special attention to improving the position of Brena Kombucha and Zuber through:
Applying innovative ideas in creating and improving the offered options (improvement of quality, price, and packaging) to customers, in order to obtain their satisfaction as the most important business partners of the factory.
Strengthening the research and innovation sector by prioritizing goals such as creating suitable opportunities for quick access to modern technologies, establishing strategic relationships with reputable research centers inside and outside the country, and training human resources was effective.
Taking advantage of market and product development strategies and penetration in the market, especially homogeneous diversity in the creation of products with the aim of distinguishing from competitors and promoting
Auditing and improving the organization’s processes, and trying to grow and increase the organizational culture and knowledge level of colleagues through continuous training
Strengthening the marketing department in order to carry out activities such as market research, distribution strategy, pricing, upgrading and improving factory products and evaluating customer satisfaction, focusing and deepening on businesses in which we have a competitive advantage, and increasing the share of domestic and international markets. International and discover hidden markets

Code of Ethics

Honesty, trustworthiness, respect for competitors, respect for competitors’ interests in increasing the share of competitive markets, accountability, responsibility and respect for human dignity are the main principles of Brena Kombucha factory.
Respecting all domestic and international regulations that do not conflict with known and certain moral and humane principles and with our strategies and vision.
Great care and attention in selecting and hiring capable employees and highlighting the principle of meritocracy and equal opportunities and the right to promotion of employees and not considering ethnic relations, family, friendship, nationality, race, language, religion, ideological beliefs and even gender as effective (in jobs where gender plays an equal role).
Focusing on training at all levels and empowering all elements of the organization to create a sense of job security and moving towards creating and maintaining a spirit of empathy and interaction between employees and respecting the principle of organizational hierarchy